tulinks Forums Public / Open Forums: FAQ, meme stash, etc. Video Essays/Vlogs which set a proper standard for quality production

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  • #5454

    Unknown Member

    I’m not talking about theatric dramatizations and intricate set design. I’m referring to videos with no frills, no distractions, a steady argument with examples to support that argument rather than an overreliance on media to evoke affect regardless of the argument presented. These bells and whistles are admirable if produced out of an auteur’s labor, but unfortunately tasteful aesthetic flourishes do nothing to contribute to the overall argument. The novelty of grandiose production wears off when one has to continually wait fifteen to twenty minutes at a time to get anything close to a substantial progression in the piece presented.

    While focused on musicology, Chris Ott sets the gold standard for a visual/audio presentation of an argument from my perspective. Say what you want to say. Visual props are minimal if nonexistent. Elaborate well. Edit your essay down with hard cuts. The focus is the argument and not anyone’s enjoyment.

    Feel free to share any other video essayists who you feel push the standard of vlog production to a serious level.


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  • Cesar Ruiz

    Wow, my theory world is sliding closer to my pop music world. Great to see another theory traveler who is interested in the Shallow Rewards videos. I return back to these videos constantly: some are classics while others are good one-time views. Chris Ott recorded more videos during COVID-19 lockdown, which were straightforward livestreams for 1-2 hours on used CD shopping or Billboard Hot 100 chart sweeps.

    After viewing both his edited video essays and the improvised livestreams, a lot of the substance in the arguments boils down to Chris being an engaging and hilarious shit-talker. There is something to be said and noted about his talking style lending itself to strong arguments. I’m not always convinced by his line of thinking, but he does not seem to care about being correct, as he is saying his piece. That being said, I love passion and inventiveness in an argument even if logic has to take a back seat to allow the passion to show.

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