• Creator
  • #1556

    I read this aloud starting with my post and going through all of the posts, replying in real time, from the beginning of the thread through JUNE 25th 2023 in this video shown below. https://youtu.be/RqID_8MgJfw

    Welcome to Theory Underground. I’m Dave. This site is for adults who are either obsessives, or at least curious to learn more, about philosophy and theory as a way of life. Not just to build up our C.V./career or affirm an already determined worldview, but to genuinely ask the hardest questions, think with the greatest minds, and learn how to see the world through the most innovative and difficult concepts ever conceived for making sense of ourselves and the world. “We” are a community of truth seekers and life understanders who bring very different perspectives, assumptions, values, backgrounds, and theorists into the mix.

    Whether you are new here or have been around for a while, please introduce yourself to everyone else. If you have introduced yourself in one of the private forums dedicated to a specific topic/course, then please paste some or all of that below for the others.

    The rules have yet to be set in stone because, as always, rules tend to get established after someone does something that makes everyone else go “that cannot happen anymore…” Try not to be the person we have to invent a rule about. Just practice the golden, silver, and platinum rules to the best of your ability while staying true to yourself.* Disagreements are OK, but don’t assume everyone has to agree with you, and remember that reason rules supreme here.

    When in doubt, try less to control the behavior or influence the viewpoints of others and focus more on ideas, concepts, and theory. Though the personal is political and identity does matter, pure appeals to these things in an attempt to silence or coerce others will not be tolerated.

    Last thing, please make sure to upload a profile picture of your face and a cover photo that you like. Faces matter. This is not some anonymous Discord or Twitter. Treat this like the budding social media site for philosophy and theory that it is! You will get out of it what you put into it. You can post on your wall, add friends (“connections”), and even direct message people in private or in groups. If you want to learn more about the software that allows for all this just research the BuddyBoss plugin for WordPress.

    *To quote the Google search results on this distinction: Formula 1 is, “Don’t do things (to other people) if you couldn’t choose for everyone to do them (to you)” (Silver Rule). Formula 2 is, “Treat other people in the same way you treat yourself” (Golden Rule). And Formula 3 is, “Do what everyone would choose for you to do” (Platinum Rule).

  • Author
  • #1565

    Alex Ewing

    Hello friends, glad to be here.

    I am glad to have found theory underground at such a transformative time with the launch of this community. I appreciate the work and hope to contribute even if in a small way.

    I have been interested in philosophy my whole life and have recently found myself grappling a lot with Hegel and Zizek which has already paid off in many ways.

    Hope to talk more of you, and thanks for your work, Dave.

  • #1617

    Hello everyone.

    I am ecstatic that such a thing as Theory Underground has come into existence. The old formula of social networks, video sites, and karma(i.e., clout)-based online forums all ended up being useless to the development of any rigorous thought. The popular, and often quite simple, sentiments usually drown out the complex and intellectually honest. I hope that Theory Underground becomes the place for rigour, intellectual curiosity, and a love of knowledge.

    I must admit, I am not wholly interested in philosophy in the ways that many people are. I don’t care for almost anything other than political economics and even then I focus most of my time on the broad strokes of Marxian analysis, economic history, and sociology. It is my thought that we need a new understanding of capital, one that deals with the specificities, particularities, and generalities that have developed since the time of Marx.

    I still have a long way to go before I can even come close to formulating my thoughts, but I am happy to tag along this with community.

    Thank you @Pleeb for making this all happen!

    • #1622

      David McKerracher

      I’m stoked to have you Danilo. First, because you read and engaged with Waypoint. Second, because you’ve been around for years. And third, because your interests are important. We won’t be diving into that kind of theory much in the first year but it is a part of the plan!

    • #3945

      David McKerracher

      Hey Danilo, I read your piece aloud and respond in real time in this new episode of Forum Review. The link takes you straight to this part of the thread. https://youtu.be/RqID_8MgJfw?t=373

  • #1749

    Hi everybody,

    This is difficult for me since my instinct on the internet is to remain mostly anonymous; partially because it’s good policy, partially because of childhood trauma of never knowing if what I’m doing is “wrong” (thanks AuDHD).

    I’ve been patreoned/subscribed to David’s various channels for a while, and have been interested in philosophy, but have a terrible work ethic so I fear I won’t contribute as much as is intended by this impressive endeavor.

    <Rambling bio went here before deleting>

    • #1754

      David McKerracher

      Carl, it’s so good to have you on here. I think you speak for a lot of people when you say you like to remain largely anonymous and in the background. Especially the stuff about never knowing if what you’re doing is wrong. On here we are such a small community without plans of getting too big so err on the side of courage and it will work out for you! If anyone who is super judgmental or quick to write others off because they said something “wrong” comes along they won’t last long. We don’t tolerate that vampire castle shit.*

      *I share an essential quote and some the resources on the Vampire Castle idea, asking questions about how to counter these tendencies here: https://theory-underground.com/forums/discussion/exiting-the-vampire-castle/

    • #3947

      David McKerracher

      Hey Carl, I read your piece aloud and respond in real time in this new episode of Forum Review. The link takes you straight to this part of the thread. https://youtu.be/RqID_8MgJfw?t=706

  • #1833



    My name is Josh and I´m very excited to be here, kind of stumbled across by accident when Spotify recommended your channel (probably because I devoured the “why theory” podcast…), the name “theory underground” got me intrigued and as I scrolled through the different topics/courses it just felt right. It´s a very interesting thing, for someone like me who is not involved and not used to be in an intellectual political environment, to see a community interested and influenced by the same schools of thought like myself. I am very interested in the political debate about the Frankfurt school in the US, particularly the understanding of Adorno which is, as far as I came to understand, a little different than in Germany where I live.

    I had never studied in university because my education did not allow for that. Now, nearly 30 years old, I was fed up with working full hours for minimal wage, so I decided to redo my college education and now I´m studying a very lame course which is probably going to be obsolete due to AI when I am graduated anyway…

    My interest in philosophy and theory stems from an activist’s background, politically I have thought narrowly of myself as a communist later an anarchist and nowadays, more loosely in a very broad sense, a socialist. I suffered burnouts from work but even more so from “the vampire castle” that the activist communities I experienced were. I involuntarily grew very wary of anyone who identifies with the left, even though I do myself. Due to that I retreated from that life for far too long now. It was when I discovered Slavoj Žižek, and even more so the way Todd McGowan and Ryan Engley made (t)his reinterpretation of Hegel and the adaption of psychoanalysis understandable and applicable, that some hope in me for critical and radical theory got restored.

    My resources regarding finances and time are limited, therefor I´m not sure when or if I will enrol in any of the courses yet. Still, I am very excited for the weekly summaries and the material provided on the theory underground website. I really look forward connecting and sharing thought with you all in this promising and hopefully growing community of thinkers.

    • #1834

      David McKerracher

      Hello Josh! Welcome. Thanks for introducing yourself! I’ve been wondering for a long time if anyone who listens to the podcast is real. I feel you on how the vampire castle shit results in seeing self ID’d leftists as suspicious. Thankfully Theory Underground tends to attract more open-minded and mature demographic than the general influencersphere (which tends to focus on brainwashing/propagandizing teenagers by playing into confirmation bias and parasociality!). I really hope that once we have the app built and the country-wide tour happens a lot more people without a basis in such marketing demographics will get involved.

      As for being low on time and finances, just know that we’re always here and you can binge any of the courses in the future. They won’t go away! There will be a financial aid scholarship made available in a month or so.

    • #3948

      David McKerracher

      Hey Josh, I read your piece aloud and respond in real time in this new episode of Forum Review. The link takes you straight to this part of the thread. https://youtu.be/RqID_8MgJfw?t=987

  • #2206

    Hey, I’m Nick (sodacabbage in chat) and I’m looking forward to completing some courses and engaging. 🙂 I do work slow or in periodic binges at my own pace. My disability and hangups never made higher education a likely prospect for me, but I have found a love for theory.

    I would have to guess what my introduction to theory was, but I can say that I was not blown away by theory until the introduction to Lacan series by Michael Downs on the old channel. And there it really started. Before that my exposure was not extensive (I had exposure to leftist forum discourse before breadtube really became a thing). I remember immediately being in the process of taking in and processing Lacan as presented by Michael, yet still having to go to work!

    I’m still a baby junior when it comes to theory and philosophy, but I like the process of taking it all in.

    • #2207

      David McKerracher

      Hey Nicholas, nice to meet you “face to face.” I’m stoked to hear those conversations with Mikey really made it click for you. I was into philosophy and theory for like 7 years at that point, but Lacan and Zizek as serious theory? That’s all new for me in the last three years as well!

    • #3949

      David McKerracher

      Hey Nicholas, I read your piece aloud and respond in real time in this new episode of Forum Review. The link takes you straight to this part of the thread. https://youtu.be/RqID_8MgJfw?t=1463

  • #2335

    Hello David, I just became a member, looking forward to the learning ahead. I am wondering if I paid the 1/10th of cost donation, would that entitle me to access to any courses?

    • #2336

      David McKerracher

      Hello Michael, great timing! I have been working on integrating a discount system into everything. $50 per month patrons and 1/10 MoP patrons both get 35% off of tiers 2, 3, and 4 on all courses. I’m currently trying to find a way to make it so that Tier 1 benefits + a special monthly Zoom call will be available for $50 patrons.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by  David McKerracher. Reason: The old plan didn't make sense with the new tiers and coupon system being implemented
      • #2483

        Ok David, I have another question, what do the 4 tiers mean under the what is sex course? Thanks

        • #2487

          David McKerracher

          Hi Michael! You should be able to see the descriptions for what each tier grants in terms of access by selecting each one individually. So go here https://theory-underground.com/product/what-is-sex/ and then click on the part shown in the first picture below. The second picture shows where the description should show up, using tier 3.

          As to the deeper question about what these tiers “really mean,” they mean that I am granting basic access for cheap but adding price buffers between students and the effort or money that it costs me to do things longer-term or more in-depth and 1-on-1 – the price is an approximation of the cost of my limited energy and time + keeping the website and everything else afloat longer-term brought into a basic compromise with what others will consider worth paying. 🙂

    • #3950

      David McKerracher

      Hey Michael, I read your piece aloud and respond in real time in this new episode of Forum Review. The link takes you straight to this part of the thread. https://youtu.be/RqID_8MgJfw?t=1545

  • #2441

    <div>Sup all, this is dethkon from youtube, you may have seen me in the comments or live chats. I’ve been a big fan of Dave’s channel for what seems like a long time, maybe a couple of years; I remember when it used to be called “theory pleeb.” I also am obsessed with Michael Downs’ “Dangerous Maybe” blog, and was really excited to find out that they were the same person who was in the old youtube videos, lol.</div><div>

    I don’t know what else to say, I just love learning about this kind of stuff because it helps me make sense of this hell-world we call home. I live in Southwest Florida, by the way, and I’m going to try and convince my neighbor to sign up because she loves theory and philosophy too. FINS UP!


    • #2457

      David McKerracher

      Welcome, Casey! Great to have you.

      By the way, sorry about the random code showing up in your post. The software developing team has been working on a ticket I submitted for this for over a month and a half to get it fixed. For now, the solution that seems to be working for others (myself included) is to first write in a Google Doc and then paste what you’ve got into the text field in the forum.

    • #3951

      David McKerracher

      Hey Casey, I read your piece aloud and respond in real time in this new episode of Forum Review. The link takes you straight to this part of the thread. https://youtu.be/RqID_8MgJfw?t=1804

      • #4889

        Thanks for the shoutout bro! (I’m incredibly interested in Mikey’s new class on Land btw, expect to hear from me soon about that =))

  • #2460

    Thanks for the tip! It doesn’t really bother me, but I’ll try to make an effort regardless so that my posts look nice.

  • #2668

    Darien Large

    Darien here (usually pronounced Dare In). I’ve been searching on my own and I’m still looking, but maybe not as much on my own. I’m in psychoanalysis now and read on Freud, Lacan, Zizek, Marx, and anything else that catches my fancy. I’m really looking to soak in it though and actually change, and for that I need a community just like everyone else does. So here I am!

    • #2671

      David McKerracher

      Great to have you, Darien! We are going to have a great time in the What is Sex? course!

      • #3318

        I swear this isn’t a pun or some kind of corny joke, but the course couldn’t have come at a better time for me.


    • #3953

      David McKerracher

      Hey Darien, I read your piece aloud and respond in real time in this new episode of Forum Review. The link takes you straight to this part of the thread. https://youtu.be/RqID_8MgJfw?t=1901

  • #3931

    I’m Harry, 21 from Australia. I stumbled across Theory Underground on a Marshall McLuhan subreddit. I’m very interested in depth psychology, the likes of Carl Jung, Nietzsche, Camille Paglia, Oscar Wilde etc. I’m putting together an underground newspaper in homage to the 1960s revolution so I’m excited to be connected to a group of like-minded thinkers. I’m particularly interested in seeing how University reform will take shape — Adelaide University, where I study, is unfortunately announcing a merger with UniSA where humanities/classics will inevitably be stifled, another vapid bureaucratic move. It’s time to revive the 1960s vision…

    • #3954

      David McKerracher

      Hey Harry, I read your piece aloud and respond in real time in this new episode of Forum Review. The link takes you straight to this part of the thread. https://youtu.be/RqID_8MgJfw?t=1974

    • #6067

      F 8

      Hey Harry! I study at UoA as well, it is such a shame to also see the merging of professions and arts into one – Businesses, Arts, Law and Economics (ABLE). I wonder how UoA can keep its prestigious name, but still neglect entire disciplines (and leaking roofs)…

  • #4171

    A quick intro to counteract the tendency to reduce me to a spokesperson of the anonymous swarm:

    Hi there, my name’s Nathan. 32. I live in Monterey California. I took an interest in psychoanalysis about 6 years ago via a Peter Rollins interview I heard, around the same time that I came across Adam Curtis’ Century of the Self. They sparked a curiosity in me to learn more Freud and that led me to thinkers like Lacan, Todd McGowan, Slavoj Zizek and so on and so on. I have no teachers, mentors or formal education, just a self taught theory enthusiast. I do most of my serious reading before work on my night shift days and on the weekends with a cup of coffee at my cafe of choice. But I keep my headphones on at all times and constantly scour YouTube/podcasts/audiobooks for anything I can get my hands on related to psychoanalytic theory, philosophy, etc. which is how I came to find Theory Underground. I’m pretty introverted and I don’t have any social media accounts elsewhere, but I’m hoping this can be a good place to run my thoughts and questions by others and actually engage in discourse to expand the limits of my understanding. Picture included since I intend to keep the barred subject as my profile picture.

    • #4885

      David McKerracher

      I keep meaning to give you a substantive response but the time has not become available. I’m hoping to do a follow up forum review video where I’ll read and respond to the new intros once tour is over!

    • #4890

      I like the fact that there is a mirror in your imago– I mean photo. 😆

  • #4779

    David Powers

    Hello, my name is David Powers. I am a 48 year old lumpenized jazz musician. I went to Western Michigan University to study Music Composition in the nineties, and dropped out as a senior because I couldn’t afford to keep going and the degree appeared to be worthless for someone without the means to go to grad school. Over the years, I have had many different jobs: manual labor on a farm, fast food, line chef, cruise ship pianist, factory worker, secretary, accounting assistant, Flash animator, and then web / software developer. The last two jobs were substantially more lucrative than anything else, but over the long term I’ve not been able to sustain a position within the labor aristocracy and I’m back to being a malnourished lumpen.
    I encountered (Frankfurt) Critical Theory in the nineties, and back then I was reading Adorno, Benjamin, Marx, Bataille, Baudrillard, and Deleuze / Guattari. After many years away from such matters, I started to engage with politics and philosophy more in recent years, which led to me going back to school–Recently, I completed a BA from Graduate Center for Advanced Studies in Dublin, with a thesis on the Philosophy of Jazz. I am planning to get my philosophy MA from GCAS and am accepted into the program already.
    I’m actually super lumpenized because I cannot get a state ID from Michigan, and thus can only take contract jobs–basically doing some social media and web design for small biz, but currently it’s not really enough to get by. Hopefully I can find enough work and get things together though, so I can pursue the Philosophy degree by next year, but regardless, I am committed to continuing my intellectual development, and hopefully I can write some things that may be of use to people.
    I am currently working on pieces for GCAS Magazine since I can’t start school yet, and last year I published something for Sublation Mag on Climate Change and the working class: https://www.sublationmag.com/post/from-masters-to-caretakers

    My work is both adjacent to, but also rather different from the things people are pursuing here, so I would love to get feedback and get into some arguments and discussions. Current interests are Hegel, Bernard Stiegler, Henri Lefebvre, and Byung-Chul Han–but with Han, I started in with his works which draw from East Asian thought (Philosophy of Zen Buddhism, Scent of Time, Absence), which I think is something we might need right now!
    Also, I grew up evangelical in a fairly abusive environment, and over the years spent a lot of time exploring the occult, not as a true believer but “just for fun,” because of the forbidden jouissance it generates, and I have been interpreting the “picture-thinking” of occultism and folk religion, in similar ways to what Hegel does with Christianity, and this has something to do with wanting to present things in ways that might be more accessible to people who don’t relate to traditional religions. My primary metaphor involves making deals with the Devil at the Crossroads, which is for me a primordial image of the existential human situation. I also love sci fi, and I’m working on an interpretation of Blade Runner’s Roy Batty through a Hegelian lens right now.

    • #4884

      David McKerracher

      I keep meaning to give you a substantive response but the time has not become available. I’m hoping to do a follow up forum review video where I’ll read and respond to the new intros once tour is over!

    • #4891

      Any relation to Nina Powers? (Jk… unless you actually ARE a relative to her, which I think would be p awesome).

      I discovered Lefebvre about a month ago via a reading I found from his book Rhythmanalysis, and I really enjoyed it. I haven’t read your Sublation piece yet (I can’t afford the Patron rn), but I’m a pretty big fan of Doug Lain’s youtube channel, called Diet Soap. I like his “Critical Cuts” video essays and whatnot. I know that I’ve seen Dave (and I think Ann was with him) on it a few times, defending theory against “Cutthroat” Chris Cutrone!

      Also, IDK why exactly this post is tagged “florida,” but I actually do live in Florida (Southwest to be exact). I look forward to corresponding on the forums!

      Edit: Is Roy Batty the Replicant who delivers that wonderful “Tears in rain” monologue towards the end? If so, I’d LOVE to read whatever you come up with!

      • This reply was modified 8 months ago by  Casey Kamarchik. Reason: added a question
      • #4894

        David Powers

        Hi–I’m Not related to Nina but she is associated with Graduate Center for Advanced Studies I believe, so there is a reasonable chance I may take a course with her.
        I actually haven’t read that much Lefebvre, but I really love the Rhythmanalysis book and actually used it in my BA thesis on the philosophy of jazz, in relation to the meaning of “swing.” And I thought the concept of Rhythmanalysis is not only interesting due to its musical applications, but also because I think it suggests that psychoanalysis misses things at the level of the body, in the way it focuses on language, that analysis of rhythms might reveal.
        As far as writing, I should have a new piece coming out for the GCAS Magazine on the web, that touches on some related themes. I could send you the other piece if you are interested–if it’s behind I paywall, that means I can’t see the online version myself, I’m not a patron either.
        As far as Blade Runner, yes Roy is the “tears in the rain” replicant, and clearly the protagonist of the film in the formal sense that he is ultimately the one that drives the action forward. So my reading is something like: First he is a Nietzschean figure of will-to-power, negativity, and a kind of overflowing excess. But at the end, when he chooses to let Deckard live, we get a Hegelian twist: by saving Deckard, Roy demonstrates that he is really a free subject in his capacity to exercise radical freedom through an act of forgiveness. His final narrative opens up an intersubjective space, and the possibility that he can live on in Deckard’s memory–the film’s imagery here evokes the myth of Christ. Does this imply that Roy is like Jesus, and that although he dies, the memory of his act of forgiveness lives on, so that he becomes the founder of a revolutionary community? In the words of the Christian eucharist: “Do this in remembrance of me…” We can imagine here a totally different ending of the film, where Deckard and Rachel actually become the leaders of a new revolution.

        • #4902

          Fortunately it’s not behind a paywall like I had assumed! Check it out errbody: From Masters to Caretakers (sublationmag.com) . That is one hell of a clever and interesting take on Bladerunner, by the way! Is there anything in Philip K. Dick’s short story that suggests your interpretation, or was it creative license by Ridley Scott, the Screen Writer, and the Actor? (I’m a huge PKD fan, but shamefully I must admit that I’ve never gotten around to reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Besides, I take the Derridean view that there’s “nothing outside the text” anyway, so the film and the novella are two different texts as far as I’m concerned).

          I’m definitely looking forward to reading your upcoming article! I’ll keep an eye out for it, but once it’s published please do post a link to it here on the forums as well, if you don’t mind. =)

          • #5065

            Chad Gilbert

            I have so far enjoyed what I understand of Hegel’s interpretation of Christianity… it’s more christian than most Christendom interpretations…

            Have you checked out the podcast Occult Confessions?

            It’s a historical/critical, mostly objective approach to the characters and movements of the occult.

  • #4909

    Howdy, I’m Dezirae, I usually go by Dezzie tho. I’m Casey’s aforementioned friend in SW Fl. I have a huge interest in a number of subjects in philosophy and have had a sort of pick up whoever interests me and ask for context later approach. Don’t really have any formal higher education so I’ve winged it largely. I’ve had a lot of interest in Deleuze though I’ve come back to more of a Hegelian and Platonic type of understanding with my interests in neorationalism.

    A huge thing I hope for here is a more material means of understanding how a universal politic of emancipation can be constructed. I find myself often lost in seeming impossibility of bringing universalism out of the abstract space its conceived in toward a lived reality. Along with having wanted a better grasp on psychoanalysis for awhile now. Beyond that I just hope this is as rad of a community as it looks to be where ideas can circulate and flourish.

    If its acceptable I may drop thoughts in here abt anything from queer politics to musings about music and its relationship to politics and probably a good deal of metaphysics. Would love to hear people’s thoughts! 🙂

    • #4989

      David McKerracher

      Cool! Welcome! Sorry the APP is currently busted and some of the main users are on tour right now, so it’s more dead on here than it will be. Definitely feel free to do what you want!

  • #5064

    Chad Gilbert


    I have two feral children, an autistic spouse, neurotic pets and a deep deep affinity for mechanical pencils.


    My BA is in “advanced philosophical studies”. I focused on ancient Greeks, phenomenology, Hume, and existentialism. For a while I was also a Calvinist al James K.A. Smith and John Milbank. I even went to seminary and focused on post reformation theology and radical Orthodoxy (how I became smitten with Zizek). I dropped out to raise a family and question everything. I‘m now probably most affiliated as a non member episcopal/eastern/Greek Orthodox (David Bentley Hart and Christos Yannaras are main engagements for aesthetic theology/philosophy and relational ontology/political philosophy, respectively).

    I have a keen interest in class interpretation of mental health (Loncar), psychoanalysis and political imagination, phenomenology of nature and religious experience, emancipatory education (I’m a teacher at a private for profit sport boarding school… I don’t give homework, students collaborate on all tests and we create a critical environment to engage with math and science), and existential meets negative dialectic or my favorite neologism for it : Hegel-gaard. Kierk-egel. Idk yet.

    I also am sober (could you imagine reading this if I was under the influence drugs and alcohol?!) and going through psychotherapy and psychoanalysis to incorporate into future practice. I am currently working on a an MS in clinical mental health and school counseling, with path to certification nationally, and licensure in Florida.

    Goals in the MS include forensic counseling, auction counseling, critical mental health theory and application, liberation framework in clinic and school, anti punitive/pro absolution in behavior cases, Heidegger’s care and temporality to create paths to freedom from pathologizing, despair as love and other things that will have to remain secret… I’ve said too much.

    I also enjoy Chinese martial arts, Daoism, horror movies and novels, bass drops, blast beats, and killer Mike.

    If you feel like spreading neurospiciness and getting (appropriately, theoretically) digitally weird, let’s make it happen.

    Kindly and with anxiety,


  • #5156

    Howdy, Brad here, from SE Ohio. I first formed an interest in Philosophy as an Anthropology undergrad at Ohio State. This was back in the late 80s and early 90s as Anthro was going through a cathartic change in its own identity. I specialized in Archaeology and through my own ancestry and interest in Native American culture, I became involved in the fight for repatriation of artifacts and remains to Indigenous communities. This led to my reading of Postmodern and Post-Colonial readings by Said, Foucault, and others. Long story short, I ended up doing computer work and ended up getting a Masters in I.T. and am a Project Manager and Analyst at a regional hospital. 30 years later and I’m wondering where I would have been if I had “stuck with my intellectual pursuits” instead of “doing the right thing and getting a “REAL” job to support my new family”.

    The Pandemic led me to get reading again and I now have a growing library of a few thousand books (History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Nature, and Sci-Fi).

    I just now finished the first chapter of TIMENERGY and am halfway through the Introduction of Underground Theory. And might I say that I am really connecting with them. I have been frustrated with “Cultural Theory”, Anthropological and Archaeological Theory, and Western Philosophy. I have a different way of looking at things as I have been continuously involved in Ihanktonwan Dakota spirituality since my late teens/early twenties (I just turned 54). It has allowed me to “see” things differently in many ways. TIMENERGY hits the nail on the head in regards to how much “working to succeed” really takes from pursuits that I, myself, think of as more relevant. I’m writing this at 9:30p with the thought in my head that I should really go to bed because my “shift” starts at 7a tomorrow morning. I’d rather be learning more, reading more, writing my thoughts down more, but when 3:30p hits, I am exhausted and usually end up taking a nap till my wife gets home from her job, then we try to spend some “quality” time together, we found ourselves staring at our phones wasting our “quality” time, because we are just too tired to talk… supper has taken a side step in favor of a quick salad, then we have about an hour of TV time, she goes to bed, and I stare at my computer screen telling myself to write something. In this case, my diatribe to this community.

    Now, I hope that I can learn something here, maybe even find some new “online” friends, maybe even someone that lives in the intellectual black hole that is SE Ohio that is willing to listen to my rants and maybe even comment on it.

    Anyway, Thank you to the brave souls that put this together and maybe, just maybe, I’ll learn to put my thoughts together coherently and contribute something to the hive mind.

    Have a good evening!

    Brad Barborak

    • #5165

      David McKerracher

      Thank you for a thoughtful intro, Brad! I’m stoked you’re getting back into these intellectual pursuits, and am happy to see the books are resonating with you.

  • #6091

    Rudi Grieser

    Hello everyone,

    I am Rudi, an actor, artist and worker from Germany. While doing my own readings of Zizek I stumbled upon this project via your youtube channel, which greatly helped me getting a first grasp of lacanian concepts. After lurking for some months I decided that I want to get engaged with what you are building here, because I want to find tools to formulate a new way to work towards human emancipation.
    It is a pleasure to meet you all and I am looking forward to learning and facing the hard questions!

  • #6098

    Hello people! I’m Kerem from Turkey. I have been interested in reading novels and theory since high school, but I always hated school anyway. I eventually studied literature in Uni and later found Theory Underground while trying to keep my mind active after graduation. We’ll see how it goes. I’m stoked to find this project and hope it will be helpful for all of us :))

  • #6301

    Yo, my name is James Yeomans,

    I’m from Ireland. I’m a coms undergrad.

    I’m here because I need criticism and community for my own project.

    Taking structural flows and partial objects from structures of the University, Social media and Texas Hold-em Poker, I’ve been combining them with argumentation theory to design a medium for societal/theory exchange that would supersede the paper/essay/book/blogpost formats that define such exchanges so far.

    The project is called ‘The Truth Machine’ (snappy don’t ya think).

    Whilst the project is progressing quickly, there are open questions that I don’t have the ability to answer. Also I’m hurting for criticism for the design decisions I’ve already made.

    In brief my two major contributions so far are

    1. The project argument structure


    2. Integral categorical identification approaching an account of the Lifeworld.

    I have descriptions and graphs to show exactly what I mean by these terms if anyone is interested.

    Take it easy


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