tulinks Forums Public / Open Forums: FAQ, meme stash, etc. Can you explain the Courses & Tier Structure?

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  • #5186

    David Powers

    Philosophy is the only thing that has kept me from killing myself, and I think it should be available to people and that’s why I like your project and am potentially interested in supporting it in a modest way, although I do already have some long term stuff of my own that I’ve been working on, some projects go back 20+ years (mostly related to music and art etc). Especially as a former cocaine addict, I had some intense shit to go through trying to rebuild a sense of meaning in my life, and philosophy helped me find meaning again in the world in a really significant way.
    So, I’m pretty poor, my ability to find work varies at the moment, like everybody, I have to tend to my TimeEnergy with care. But I recently got a project that left me with some cash, and I want to support your project by potentially giving you money and going through a course. And I saw that there are a bunch of tiers with prices on them; probably I can only afford Tier 1 or 2 but I was hoping you could give a rundown of the tiers, my financial situation could always change so I want to understand your full vision. I noticed mention of an “accountability structure” and that is intriguing. I’m also wondering is there something like “homework” on the course, do we write based on the course and get feedback on the writing, etc.
    One thing I will mention–I have a monthly limit on internet bandwidth, I tether to my phone on a no-contract plan, so zoom calls and live video stuff is actually not so great at the moment, I can only do a limited amount of real time stuff.
    Thanks for explaining–I am trying to understand better your project and goals and whether it makes sense for me to participate or not. That’s why I signed up to the forums without going directly into something (besides not immediately having cash). I want to see if this is a place where I would feel comfortable and welcome–I do have PTSD and I’m bipolar and I also need to stick to spaces with “friendly vibes” where it’s okay to be yourself even if you are a little weird or think a bit different from other people.

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