tulinks Forums Public / Open Forums: FAQ, meme stash, etc. Calling California for In-Person Connecting

  • Creator
  • #3873

    Cesar Ruiz

    Howdy, Cesar from the Sonoran Desert.

    I am going to be on a road trip through California late June to first weeks of July, and I want to connect with any fellow theory travelers who might live there. Destinations will include Los Angeles and the larger Bay Area, but with possible detours along the Pacific Coast Highway and along the Interstate-5 (Bakersfield, Fresno, Modesto).

    Once upon a post, I drafted a long introduction for myself to place in
    the forums. Somehow the introduction was gone before I could post, and
    the momentum to show myself passed. Fast forward to this timestamp, and
    now I can try again, but more condensed. In addition to a fascination with theory these past couple years, my other projects include homesteading, strength training, underground music and its history, and anything generally DIY and eclectic.

    I am part of Theory Underground (and have participated in other online philosophy networks) as a way to share in fellowship rather than to only learn philosophy. Even if we can listen to each other online, we are typically far away geographically, and this journey can be taxing if traversed solo for too long. Hopefully there are some of you out there who are available.

    Let us meet as an addendum (preamble?) to the Theory Underground tour happening this year. Message directly or on this forum and we can see if our schedules align.

    • This discussion was modified 11 months ago by  Cesar Ruiz.
  • Author
  • #3886

    David McKerracher

    Damn I was just there! Probably won’t be back until October though.

    • #3891

      Cesar Ruiz

      @Dave No worries. I should be in Phoenix when you stop by in October. I might be too busy to host y’all when you visit, but would love to have a couple of seminars.

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